As we relax, the opportunity arises to cultivate awareness and Presence. Presence is experiencing the moment without veiling or covering it with fantasies or thoughts of the past or future. When thoughts and emotions arise, observe and let them go.
Practicing being Present builds our inner life energy, called Prana or Manna in some cultures. We are human Be-ings. Everything in our world holds Prana (also scientifically proven). As we all share this common denominator with life, we can communicate and interact, Be-ing in relationship to all Creation - even rocks, even crystals!
As we practice being present and staying in the moment, we may observe well-worn patterns of thoughts and emotions. For example, in a sound bath, we may feel completely relaxed and blissful when a searing pain begins in a common area out of nowhere, worsening the more we try to “relax.” Though not everyone will experience discomfort, it is common. Simply allow and observe, bringing compassion and curiosity. Move and stretch if needed.
Each sound bath will be different; sometimes, patterns return until the underlying reasons are addressed and integrated, let go, and heal.
However, some sound baths I have attended were intense and jarring, with too many bowls playing dissonant sounds simultaneously. I felt extreme discomfort, and it was from the dissonant frequencies. Exhaustion is usually the result of these events. That is why I have spent much time, intention, and expense studying with sound healing mentors such as Wah!, Ashana, and Soul of Yoga, learning all I can in my present Sound Healing Certifications.
In a sound bath, less is more - even one bowl, played with intention and Presence, can help bring peace and open us to higher consciousness / awareness.
I am so grateful for these early experiences and the exquisite journey of sound that has followed - sometimes excruciating, sometimes blissful, and always healing. A discovery of inner resources and unexpected openings – of cultivating self-love and inner peace. A journey of awakening and transformation, discovering that all is truly well.